Letter from our far-flung Transfer Correspondent II

By Sihyun Kim Good day to you all in New York City! How I miss that tasty falafel from the streets. This is Sihyun Kim (LaGuardia '07, Cornell University '09) writing from cold Ithaca, New York. So I'm going to write a counter piece to what good ole' Aaron Hudson wrote below. I don't know about you, but his piece on Syracuse University is a bit intimidating. Four year colleges could be quite approachable depending on your planning skillz [sic]. As a matter of fact, I'm currently having a relatively stress-free semester at Cornell University, and I'll tell you how you, too, could achieve a memorable senior year! One note of disclaimer: what I write below may be more relevant to those pursuing the humanities. Sorry engineers! 1) Apply to grad school during your senior year. Yes, depending on the type of graduate studies you are pursuing, this could actually make your life a lot easier. The thing about law schools, for one, is that they accept students...