PTK Fall 2011 Induction Ceremony

Time : Thursday, November 10 · 4:30pm - 7:00pm Location : E-building Poolside Cafe Dear Phi Theta Kappans, Have you been formally inducted as a member of Phi Theta Kappa? If not, you have a chance to participate in the Phi Theta Kappa 2011 Annual Fall Induction Ceremony, to be held on Thursday, November 10, 2011 at 5:00 PM at Poolside Cafe. (Please note: You need only be inducted once. If you have already been inducted during a previous semester, ignore this invitation.) ... While not a requirement for membership, being formally inducted as a member of the Honor Society is a very special, once-in-a-lifetime experience. During the Induction Ceremony, you will take the Honor Society pledge, sign your name in the official Chapter Members book, be officially congratulated by College officials and invited VIPs, and celebrate your academic achievements with your fellow Phi Theta Kappa members, faculty and staff, friends, and family members. After the c...