College Project meeting with Dr. Rizzieri!

Phi Theta Kappa International Honors Society Subject : College Project meeting with Dr. Rizzieri Dear students, Alpha Theta Phi chapter is working on College Project. College Project is a part of the Five Star Chapter Development Plan which is designed to establish a supportive relationship between the chapter and the college administration. Our chapter needs volunteers who will be able to work on this project with us along the semester. As a part of the College Project, we are going to promote a video contest, which is organized by college project committees within Laguardia Community College. (Confirmation deadline is Monday, November 7 th , 2011. Next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 8 th , 2011). Time : November 11/8 Tuesday at 9:40 a.m. Location : M-222 31-10 Thomson Ave. Long Island City, NY. 11101 Alpha Theta Phi/ Tel : ( 718) 482-5220 /M-222 Facebook : Schoo...