Conflict: You Can Run but, You Cannot Hide

by Paula Castaneda Kevin S. Brame is the Executive Director of IPSLEI, which stands for International Public Safety, Leadership and Ethics Institute. Mr. Brame led an educational forum at the 2016 Phi Theta Kappa International Convention; he began by saying that everyone sees conflict in a different way and he gave us an excellent example of this. He showed us the following picture and he asked us if the cup was half empty or half full. Some people said half full and other people said half empty. Who was wrong? Nobody. This is a perfect example of the different ways we can see something. We bring conflict into our lives because of our perspective and failing to recognize another perspective. Conflict is about communication and communication is the only key to success. Difficult communication, or anything that makes you uncomfortable, is necessary to resolve any conflict. Mr. Brame claims that conflict has 3 different conversations: 1) What happened, 2) Feelin...