Beyond the Fun at NerdNation
by Kimly Tor When I first heard about NerdNation from the previous officers, I couldn't see why it was important except that it would be fun to attend. While it is true that we had a lot of fun, the convention was more than that. I was constantly learning something new in every session that I attended from listening to special speakers such as Mr. Lord John Eatwell who talked about global economic to attending educational forums such as “EI + IQ = Success,” where I learned about emotional intelligence for the first time. In addition to all these experiences and excitement that I brought back with me, there was one important thing that I learned and wished I knew long before I arrived there. I have learned that there is a reason why NerdNation is also called International Convention. It is a huge event with thousands of attendees came from many different chapters all around the United States and the world. However, at the convention, we didn’t represent ourselves as individuals wh...