Fake it until you Make it
By Caroline Wong We are not always proud of ourselves. In this world full of ambitions, imperfections, and disappointments, we enter a large hole, moving downward, full of self-reflection questions starting with “what if?”. Indeed, “what if I was more confident?”, what if life wasn’t that hard, afterward?”, “what if people weren’t seeing me the way I usually see myself as?”. Invading questions that no one could pursue answers but our own selves. It is not easy to answer them, and to be honest, it might even be impossible to do it sometimes. The planet we live in is not perfect. Nothing on it is. That is why creating our own responses is permissible. Researchers throughout generations kept on trying to find ways of making human creatures perceive their world differently, no matter who they are. Conclusions shape the Society whether they choose to follow the logic or not. It is all about the way we think; psychology. Amy Cuddy, an American Social Psychologist shared one of her concl...