Become a Phi Theta Kappa Officer!

Officer Elections 2010

Dear Phi Theta Kappa members,

We will be holding elections for the 2010-2011 Chapter Officer Team on WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 2010 at 2:30pm sharp in E-150. The new officer team will begin their term of service after the May 12 Induction and Officer Installation Ceremony.

Serving as a Chapter Officer is a significant commitment. You will learn leadership skills, time-management skills, as well as how to work productively as a team. In addition to these benefits, Officers also have access to resources in Honors House (MB46) to conduct Chapter work.

As many of you know, our Chapter has a high profile at the College, and recently received major awards in recognition of its service to others. Our Chapter has consistently been praised for developing servant-leaders committed to making positive changes in the lives of others. So, Officers are expected to serve as student leaders and role models, setting a high standard for being able to take the initiative to implement programs, being humble, reliable and responsible, and understanding the mission of Phi Theta Kappa and LaGuardia CC.

Being an Officer is not an entitlement; those who are truly Officers earn it through their service to the Chapter and the College.


1) Interested members should get a copy of the Chapter By-Laws, which will also be available in MB46, on our website and by CLICKING HERE. Candidates should study all aspects of the By-Laws.
2) Candidates should speak with a current Officer, and try to attend a Chapter meeting or event. Officers' office hours are posted in MB46 and on our website.
3) Candidates should go to to learn about the Society's programs, particularly the Hallmarks Program, the Honors Study Topic, the 5-Star Program and the Pinnacle Program.
4) On election day (5/5), each candidate is expected to give a speech, which will be STRICTLY limited to 3 minutes. In this speech, the candidate MUST address how he or she will help the Chapter to implement one or more of the Society's programs mentioned in item 3.
5) To repeat: speeches MUST reflect knowledge of Phi Theta Kappa's programs, and CANNOT consist of generalizations and claims about the candidate's abilities without demonstration of knowledge of the Society.


  1. Wow.This seems interesting.I think anyone like me who wants to engage himself or herself in some positive activities besides studies at school should definitely go for it.I have never experienced becoming an officer but I can well imagine that the kind of training one gets as an officer can't be bought so all capable enough students at LAGCC should take full advantage of it.

  2. Hira, please e-mail us at We need your e-mail address!!!


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