The 2010- 2011 Honors Study Topic

Once every two year, chapters of Phi Theta Kappa are given an Honor Study Topic from which they choose an issue that interests them and build an Honors in Action Project.The 2010-2011 Honor Study Topic  is " The Democratization of Information: Power, Peril and Promise."

Tuesday, after a long eight hours of meeting about selecting the best issue. Officers of Alpha Theta Phi assisted by the chapter's advisors unanimously chose the issue on " Language and Communication."  The question of how does language and communication shape information and vice versa  is really interesting given that we are students of one of the most diverse community colleges in the country; LaGuardia Community College. I believe we all have a lot of things to say about this topic.

We invite all of you to take part in the upcoming discussions regarding this issue.
Here is a link  for more information about this issue.


  1. Thanks for sharing. Note that the Honors Study Topic is selected by PTK headquarters once every two years, not once every year.


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