Meet the Alpha Theta Phi Officers

Kevin Magaña
Chapter President

Major: Liberal Arts Social Sciences
Dream College: NYU Stern School of Business
Current City: Jackson Heights, NY
(click Read More for full bio)

         After nearly 10 years of living in South Florida, at age 17, I reached a crossroad and realized there was a need for change. Although Miami was the place I had long called home, I hungered for a fresh start. I wanted to experience a whole new environment on my own. I dearly remembered a Christmas morning spent on vacation in New York City. On that visit, the world of business and technology would unknowingly be ingrained in my mind. The roaring atmosphere captivated my attention and had since enveloped my dreams. So I moved here and thankfully, I made the right choice; my intrigue has been fed throughout my studies at LaGuardia Community College. Also, through much mentoring and quite frankly, soul searching, I have found a new passion that involves helping the community. I credit much of my understanding and openness to new ideas to the responsibilities that come with living without parents as a safety net.

         Diversity was not something I cherished until I began living in NY. The dynamic view’s that are shared in a classroom with students from all corners of the world is a breath of fresh air. I feel that my education has been enriched by the many angles of thought that are influenced by the different cultures. My long term goal involves working for public service and LaGuardia CC has opened venues for me in order to move forward in this direction.
          My primary goal as a student leader is to enlighten and empower students to take complete advantage of the great opportunities available. The one question that I would say rings in my head everyday is "What kind of student are you on campus?” My advice to you would be, try to ask yourself a question like this daily and reflect on your answers. I encourage everyone to get out there and experience the world without training wheels. You are ready, just peddle.

Where can you find this great bunch of Officers you ask? Try MB-46 on the weekdays. We are here to help.

Q. What do you find yourself always wanting/needing more of?
A. The clock only allows us 24 hours in a day and I find that this is not enough all too often. Time management is something that we      all need to emphasize, and even though it sounds easy, it takes a lot of perseverance to achieve.


  1. This guy is an absolute genius. He has such an appealing aura about him that is like nothing I have seen before. Your hunger for life is intriguing. You are going places Mr. President.

  2. You're awesome Kev, I'm not too sure about the absolute genius thing though. Quite frankly, I fear for your saftey. This guy ^ might be building you a shrine in his basement lol.(thank God Syed made our photos "all rights reserved" fewwhh)

    All jokes aside though, you are going places and so is Alpha Theta Phi.


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