Keys To Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety
Ange Akproh
On the weekend of March 1 -3rd, the Alpha
Theta Phi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa gave me the opportunity to attend the
regional conference that took place in Westchester New
York. During the conference, several workshops were made available to the
attendees. I personally attended the Public Speaking workshop from which I
learned how to overcome speech anxiety.
in public is and remains a challenge for most of us even after several years of
practice. Most of the time we encounter some degree of anxiety when facing the
public because we fear to ruin the moment. Even though it is hard to face this
challenge, speech anxiety can be overcome through many different ways.
First, the choice of the topic
makes a difference. Selecting a topic you know and enjoy makes the job easier.
You’ll find researching and planning your speech delivery relatively easy which
leaves more time for practice. When you’re familiar with the topic, it is also
easier to explain it naturally as you would in a conversation with a friend.
Your interest to the topic also adds enthusiasm to your speaking voice, which
engages your audience even more.
Second, practice is key. Resist any
temptation to slack in preparing your speech. Select the topic as soon as
possible, complete a clear outline and practice with a friend or in front of
your mirror.
take care of yourself. Sleep well and avoid excessive sugar. Consume a light
meal on the day of your speech, and then reward yourself when it’s all over.
Fourth, visualize success.
Imagine yourself scoring a success such as presenting your speech without a
hitch and winning enthusiastic applause from an appreciative audience. All of
it helps reduce anxiety.
Finally, use relaxation
techniques. Budget some time for an activity that you enjoy like watching a
movie or gardening before the day of your speech. Exercising also is a powerful
relaxation strategy as it releases your muscles and keeps you form having
negative thoughts.
In conclusion, speaking in
public can be very challenging but yet not impossible to overcome. With good
practice, positive thoughts, and the use of relaxation techniques, every speech
could be a little easier to face.
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