Are You Ready?

by Peter Kim

Have you ever thought about to becoming a Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society officer? Do you know about what it means to truly take responsibility for your actions? Then, a PTK officer position is the right option for you. Most people think that the President and Vice President are main cast for an organization or committee. However, if there are no supporting officers, like a treasurer, then an organization cannot work effectively. What does the Treasurer do? The Treasurer manages all the financial aspects of an organization. The success of an organization depends on whether or not the organization is able to develop and adhere to a budget. For example, money is involved in most of the organization’s activities and projects. The person who oversees all of these financial activities is the Treasurer. A great reason to be a treasurer is if you're considering going into a career that deals with finance, such as becoming an accountant or investment banker, because during your term, you will learn to file paperwork, generate reimbursements and maintain an expense spreadsheet tracking expenses. I strongly recommend members to run for the treasurer position in PTK because you will develop a work ethic, experience how to become an effective group member, and help other PTK members on many occasions. It is worth using your extra personal time to invest in your extracurricular skills because in return there are many opportunities. So now, it’s time for you to take action and make a step forward to become an officer.


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