Top Transfer Tips: From the Present to Your Future

by Heebeom Yang

As a future graduate student, I want to plan my future educational journey. This is why I attended the Top Transfer Tips education forum at the PTK International Convention in Orlando, Florida. This forum explained how to carry the success I have found at my two-year college with me as I transfer to my four-year college.
Different people have different goals to achieve during their educational journey. It is true that two-year colleges act as a stepping-stone to a four-year college and a bachelor’s degree. If we want to take this path, we should make our plans ahead of time and ask questions to four-year college advisors because each college has its own requirements. The most important thing we can do to make the transfer process run smoothly is plan ahead. For example, Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences requires their transfer students to take Statistics, Calculus 1 and English composition. Also, they have an optional requirement to take a one year biology course. The forum presenter emphasized the importance of meeting optional requirements for getting admission to Cornell University. He told me that optional requirements are  not mandatory, but are preferred by colleges. So, when people do not understand this fact, they  are missing out on their opportunity to be admitted to the 4 year college of his or her choice. The forum leader also mentioned that people, who do not meet the optional requirements have only a 13 %  acceptance rate; however, for people who do fulfill the optional requirements, the acceptance rate is 26%. This means that meeting optional requirements will increase your probability of being admitted to the college of your choice.
If I had attended this educational forum before applying to Cornell, I might have received an admission letter from them. Unfortunately, I didn’t grab the opportunity to take the optional classes. I want to emphasize the importance of meeting optional requirements. I hope that this information  can help you to get admitted to your dream school.


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