How the World Works
By Paula Castaneda Vincent (Tzu-Wen) Cheng is an Assistant Professor in the Speech, Communication, and Theatre Arts Department at Borough of Manhattan Community College. Professor Cheng is from Taiwan, teaching how to speak English which is his third language. How you can be more global than that? Professor Cheng was the first speaker at the 2016 Phi Theta Kappa New York regional conference on March 4. In his speech, he introduced us to the new Honors In Action study topic, “How The World Works”. He began his speech with very interesting questions. He asked his audience how many people were born outside the U.S. and for how many people English is the second, third, fourth, etc. language. I was very surprise with the amount of people that raised their hands. His point with these questions was to show us how global we are. He made us do an exercise to test our self-awareness and see that we know practically nothing about other countries and cultures. If the world were a villa...