Confessions of the Most Distinguished Chapter Member

by Erica Nieves
From March 4-6, Alpha Theta Phi went to Borough of Manhattan Community College to join other New York chapters in another exciting PTK conference. What’s different about this conference is that we were co-hosting and that it held regional award ceremonies. On Saturday March 5, I won Most Distinguished Chapter Member. I won out of who knows how many entries in the New York region. My mouth was very close to touching the ground hearing my name, even though it was mispronounced. From winning Most Distinguished Chapter Member came with a free membership to Zeta, the New York Phi Theta Kappa alumni association organization and a $100 scholarship.

Being selected as the Most Distinguished Chapter Member means that I was willing to help out my fellow team of officers whenever I could and that I was a leader within the chapter. Even though I had to miss work sometimes to help the chapter, I was more than willing to help out with our projects. I love the bond I have developed with the officers and advisors, along with what the organization of PTK stands for. I couldn’t help feel but thankful to the officers and to the advisors. They could’ve picked someone else to nominate for this award, but they chose to nominate me as someone who fits the description.

For the first time in my life, I felt like an actual winner. I have never won first place in anything, not even in my high school debate team. For the New York Region to pick me as Most Distinguished Chapter Member is a great honor and a moment I’ll never forget.


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