A Benefit of Phi Theta Kappa

by Chika Matsusaki

I came from Japan with my broken English, and I am still taking ESL (English for Second Language) classes during my second semester. I think I am lucky because I received an invitation from Phi Theta Kappa. However, I did not know what Phi Theta Kappa was, so that when I received the invitation, I was really surprised.

I didn’t know differences between written English and Japanese, so I failed the LaGuardia writing (the CATW) before my first semester. To pass CATW, I had to take ESL classes for almost one year. I was so disappointed in myself at that time. That’s why I was surprised that they invited me to be a member and it is the light in my academic life. Becoming a member is the proof that I did the best in college life, and this is a great opportunity to make new friends in LaGuardia Community College.

PTK has some teams which are The HIA Team, the College Project and the Leadership Committee. The HIA Team makes a project to foster a stimulating intellectual environment and to create opportunities for leadership and action. The College Project is an open project which our chapter does to assist LaGCC. The Leadership Committee conducts a workshop series called "The Student Leadership challenge". I felt always difficulty to make friends here, especially here in LAGCC, but by joining the member and these project, I think I can be a part of LAGCC!


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