Self-development through Phi Theta Kappa

by Kedar Babu Shrestha, HIA Coordinator Officer

As an honor student at LaGuardia Community College and member of Phi Theta Kappa, every Honor in Action meeting that I attend is a great asset to me. First, taking the leadership roles as an Honors in Action coordinator and taking different leadership development workshop such as Leadership training is helping me to develop myself to lead, manage and motivate and also overcome my obstacle. For instance, during the leadership training I got to know my top five strengths as an arranger, responsible, restorer, inclusive and a contributor. Using these strengths to win over weakness, have a successful HIA meeting and build up myself to lead the session as a leader has made me overcome my obstacles. I have improved my ability to work in the team, communicate, management my time, taking on new roles, and improve my public speaking.

Second, in the Five-star competitive edge program I learned how to think deeply and how to do academic research. I also learned how to make academic research fun. Moreover, the Library Workshop and in-depth HIA discussions help me a lot in my officer position, but also these activities are help me improve my research skills.

Third, people all over the world are facing a problem creating global awareness and this is leading me to give something back to my community. The best part is that this helps me learn in a new environment and enables me to redefine my comfort zone and push myself beyond what I would normally do.

When I first joined PTK, I was excited and happy, but at the same time I was overwhelmed. It was my second leadership role after my high school; I thought that I lacked what it would take to fulfill my position successfully. As the days passed, I started getting onto track through self-improvement. Apart from HIA, Phi Theta Kappa is building up me to the next level let me grow and connect with people within and outside the community. It is not only helping me to help others but it is contributing to my success in overcoming the obstacles that I never knew I could and the challenges I am faced on a daily basis in New York. These experiences are making into a hardworking, multi-tasking, efficient, healthy individual. I am overcoming hardships every day because of Phi Theta Kappa. All the skills, personal development, and motivation through PTK will help me to develop my career in the field I pursue and make my dream come true.


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