The Importance of Research
Mary Naughton
research on our H.I.A. topic has led to a lot of interesting
information. I have found it particularly interesting with regards to
the way the media reports the news. There can be so many conflicting
viewpoints concerning the same piece of information. Some
perspectives are reflective of the person or news stations’
beliefs, and this is where you can see differences in reporting
occurring. The more I researched this topic, I began seeing it
everywhere. I read a book that focuses on our unconscious minds and I
found that it explains biases. In some way or another, biases occur
with everyone in an in-group versus out-group thought process. It is
more deeply ingrained than many of us realize, and it isn’t limited
to how we view someone else’s culture, background, or beliefs. It
is the way we view anyone that falls into the “other” category of
the way we identify. For instance, as a New Yorker, we would consider
other New Yorkers as part of our in-group. Compared to the out-group,
which in this instance, would be anyone from another state. This,
often unconsciously, puts us in a position which views anyone who is
part of our same in-group more favorably than someone who does not.
The importance of this is being
aware of it. If we are consciously aware than we can strive for
objectivity when we receive or share information. The best possible
outcome, would be to hear from all sides and perspectives to get a
better understanding of the situation. The research aspect of the
H.I.A. project, will help me to seek out proper scholarly articles.
Also, I find it easier to skim through various articles and
publications to find the most meaningful selections, which will aid
in the project. While, the internet makes finding information so much
easier, it can also overwhelm you with results, many of which are
likely unrelated to your needs. The benefit of knowing how to filter
your search and sort based on your current needs is crucial. Working
on this H.I.A. project has done just that for me. The experience I
have gained in research, will be greatly beneficial as I select and
finalize my choices for which college I plan to continue to. This is
another example of an influx of potentially overwhelming information,
but I can take what I know I want in a college and set my own
criteria. From these criteria, I can match it against potential
college choices to find the one best suited to my needs. Also, as to
be expected, I will be able to apply what I’ve learned to
completing research assignments for future classes.
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