Become a Phi Theta Kappa Officer!

Officer Elections 2011
Dear Phi Theta Kappa members,

We will be holding elections for the unfilled positions of 
VP of Recruitment and Retention, Communications Officer, 
and Publications Officer for the 2011-2012 Chapter Officer Team
 on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14  2011 at 2:30pm sharp
 in E-264

Serving as a Chapter Officer is a significant commitment. You will learn leadership skills, time-management skills, as well as how to work productively as a team. In addition to these benefits, Officers also have access to resources in Honors House (MB 222) to conduct Chapter work. 

As many of you know, our Chapter has a high profile at the College, and recently received major awards in recognition of its service to others. Our Chapter has consistently been praised for developing servant-leaders committed to making positive changes in the lives of others. So, Officers are expected to serve as student leaders and role models, setting a high standard for being able to take the initiative to implement programs, being humble, reliable and responsible, and understanding the mission of Phi Theta Kappa and LaGuardia CC. 

**Being an Officer is not an entitlement; those who are truly Officers earn it through their service to the Chapter and the College.**

If you are willing to commit the time and energy, as well as are motivated to grow as a servant-leader, read on for a description of officer positions and duties, which are taken from the Chapter By-Laws.


1) Interested members should pick up a copy of the Chapter By-Laws, which is available in M222, or here: Candidates should study all aspects of the By-Laws.

2) Candidates should not only study the Chapter By-Laws, but they should try to speak with a current Officer. Officers' office hours will be posted when the school starts. Candidates are also strongly encouraged to speak with Dr. Vasileiou (M-109 C or

3) Candidates should go to to learn about the Society's programs, particularly the Honors in Action hallmark, the College project hallmark, the 5-Star Program and the Pinnacle Program.

4) On election day (9/14), each candidate is expected to give a speech, which will be STRICTLY limited to 3 minutes. In this speech, the candidate MUST address how he or she will help the Chapter to implement one or more of the Society's programs mentioned in item 3.

5) To repeat: speeches MUST reflect knowledge of Phi Theta Kappa's programs, and CANNOT consist of generalizations and claims about the candidate's abilities without demonstration of knowledge of the Society. 

6) The executive board (current officers) will vote after the general membership meeting and elect the three new officers. (These are the By-Laws procedures for filling positions, as opposed to electing a new officer) 

From the Chapter By-Laws:

"CHAPTER 5. Officers

Section 2. Each officer must be an active or transfer member of the Alpha Theta Phi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, in good standing, maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.3, and maintain at least half-time status at LaGuardia Community College throughout his or her term of office.

Section 3. No officer shall serve concurrently in the LaGuardia Community College Student Government Association. No officer shall serve concurrently in the Executive Board of the Student Advisory Council.

Section 4. No officer shall be eligible to serve for more than one complete term in the same office.

Section 5. Each officer is expected to attend every general and Executive Board meeting unless excused. A maximum of five unexcused absences will be permitted during the term of office.

Section 6. The President and the Vice Presidents shall each serve a minimum of 3 hours per week in the Chapter office. The other officers shall each serve a minimum of 2 hours per week in the Chapter office.

Section 8.2              The duties of the Vice President for Membership Recruitment & Retention shall be as follows:

a.  Perform all duties of the President in the event of the absence of both the President and the Vice President for Programming & Events.
b.  Take roll at the general, special, and Executive Board meetings.
c.  Preside over recruitment drives and new member orientations. 
                            d.  Coordinate all committees as assigned by the President.
e.        Head the committee reviewing the Chapter Bylaws.
f.   Coordinate the processing of new member applications.
g.        Head the Induction Ceremony Planning Committee.

Section 11.               The duties of the Communications Officer shall be as follows:

              a.  Keep a full record of chapter functions.
              b.  Draft and submit press releases as requested by the President, in accordance with college policies, whenever possible to all area newspapers.
              C.  Prepare and maintain the chapter yearbook for regional, state, and international meetings and conventions.
                d.  Process all messages received through the Chapter electronic mail systems.
e.      Oversee management of the Chapter website.
f.       Serve on the committee preparing Five-Star reports.

Section 12.          The duties of the Publications Officer shall be as follows:

a.  Coordinate all activities related to the newsletter including soliciting articles and manuscripts, finding a team of
editors, and appointing committees to accept or reject submissions.
b.  Publish a minimum of 24 pages per year.
c.      Serve on the committee to prepare the Annual Calendar of Chapter events.
d.      Serve on the Hallmark Entry Preparation Committee.


Alpha Theta Phi Chapter
LaGuardia Community College
City University of New York (CUNY)
Office: M222
(718) 482-5220

Facebook Page:
Honors Program:


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