Culture of Competition

by Kaheisha Brand

        Honors in Action (HIA) is a project for PTK members to partake in collectively. Honors in Action allows members the opportunity to gain leadership skills through service. HIA is based on a study topic that's related to global challenges which changes every two years. This year’s study topic was the Culture of Competition. HIA requires in depth research that develops over time. There's an HIA guide that helps to build upon an action-oriented project. This year, Alpha Theta Phi researched the college ranking system and the different things colleges do to attract students that foster competition among higher level institutions. Our Alpha Theta Phi chapter decided to host an event that imitated the game show family feud. The purpose of the game is to help share our research information with students.
                When I attended the HIA conference at Kingsborough Community College in October, Jesus Garcia was the first speaker. He spoke about The Culture of Competition, while connecting it to the challenges he faced throughout his educational journey. Garcia came to America with his family at a very young age in search of the “American Dream.”  To his surprise America wasn’t what he expected. At a very young age he was forced to grow up raising his siblings while it was mandatory for his parents to work two jobs to make ends meet.
         Garcia was determined to be successful. Throughout high school he worked extra hard, assuring that his grades surpassed his peers. He was accepted into his dream college but due to financial hardships he was unable to attend. Devastated that he had to settle for a community college, Garcia now is beyond grateful for the experience that attending a community college has rewarded him with. Jesus Garcia is currently the Division 1 International Vice President of PTK. He attributes a lot of his success to becoming a member of PTK. Garcia feels truly compelled to the HIA Culture of Competition Theme. He feels that everyday life is about competing to do better than those around you.
       Garcia’s outlook on the Culture of Competition is a very essential approach to succeeding in life. Though we have peers that we support and root for, we always feel the need to do better than the person next to us.


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