4 things that students say about PTK, but are they true?

By Paula Castaneda

1. There are people that say that you go to conventions if you just help the chapter with its activities and/or attend the general meetings?
Is this true? Yes! When you join PTK, you have the chance to attend super fun conventions in different parts of the country. In these conventions you learn a lot from amazing speakers and transfer fairs that inform you about scholarships opportunities and different universities. You also get to network with lots of people from different places. The best part of networking is the Regional Officers plan games where we get to know each other in a fun way so we can skip that weird part of start talking with a stranger. To go to conventions, you should be an active member and be on the lookout for emails from our advisors asking for applications.

2. You get money just for being part of PTK.
Is this true? It depends. PTK offers two types of scholarships. One of them is the transfer scholarship that is offered by some universities outside the CUNY system. They basically offer you a scholarship just because you are a PTK member.

The other type of scholarship depends on whether you are involved with the chapter or not. There are two common scholarsship applications, one in Spring and one in Fall. The Spring PTK scholarships apply to your tuition at the 2-year college if you are staying the next year. The Fall PTK scholarships goes towards your tuition at the 4-year college where you are transferring. This second type is from a lot of organizations, like Coca-Cola and Geico, which offer scholarships just for PTK members. Active membership is needed to have a chance for these PTK scholarships.

3. You make excellent friends as a PTK member.
Is this true? Yes! When you are involved with PTK, you are surrounded by amazing people who want to be successful, get good grades, care about their future and want to leave a mark in the world. In the end, you can call these people friends because as you will work with these positive people,  you will end up trusting them and looking to them for support and advice.  Being involved in PTK also provides leadership opportunities, like being an officer in the chapter or a regional or international officer. As a leader, you meet many people and form a bond that will last long after we graduate from college.

4. You don’t have to look for 4-year colleges, they look for you!
Is this true? It depends. You may ask how the colleges find you. Well, when you enter your information into Collegefish.org, all of the senior colleges that use this platform can see it. This website is a tool that 4 year colleges use to recruit transfer students. As member of PTK, you can sign up for CollegeFish.org and use it to help you find the right university and scholarships for you. As soon as you sign up, you receive offers from hundreds of 4-year colleges that want you because of your PTK membership. Simply being a member makes you a better transfer candidate.


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